GPS collaborates with Ethiopian Agricultural Research Institute in sustainable agriculture and environmental monitoring project

Nov 01, 2023 12 mins read

LoRaWAN Soil, Weather, and Water Level Sensor Data Validation, Advisory/Insight Service, and Communication in collaboration with the Ethiopian Agricultural Research Institute.

Welcome to GPS!   
Today, we're excited to share our latest project, "LoRaWAN Soil, Weather, and Water Level Sensor Data Validation, Advisory/Insight Service, and Communication," in collaboration with the Ethiopian Agricultural Research Institute. This project is a game-changer for sustainable agriculture and environmental monitoring, and it's being piloted at the renowned Melkasa Agricultural Research Center. Let's dive into the project's key objectives and how it can revolutionize the agricultural industry.  

Understanding the Landscape    

Our project, in partnership with the Ethiopian Agricultural Research Institute, kicks off with a comprehensive mapping exercise. We aim to grasp the unique needs and objectives of key stakeholders in soil, water and weather data collection, processing, analytics and advisory . These Stakeholders span research institutions, agricultural programs, and businesses. By understanding their goals, we're better equipped to tailor our solutions to their specific requirements.

Data Validation for Precision Agriculture    

One of the core objectives of this project is to validate the accuracy of LoRaWAN soil sensor data collected from fields. We're putting traditional methods to the test and ensuring that our sensors deliver reliable and precise information. Accurate data is the foundation of precision agriculture, allowing farmers and researchers to make data-driven decisions.    

Advisory and Insights    

Beyond data validation, we're taking it a step further. Our team, in partnership with the Ethiopian Agricultural Research Institute and University of Haramaya, will utilize the sensor data to generate valuable recommendations. Government agencies, growers, and the scientific community can harness this data to enhance agricultural production yield. By providing actionable insights, we're not just collecting data; we're empowering our stakeholders to make informed choices.  

Effective Communication for Progress    

Communication is key in our project, and the Ethiopian Agricultural Research Institute is playing a vital role in this endeavor. We're committed to sharing the technologies, solutions, and services we're promoting with strategically identified stakeholders. By fostering dialogue and engagement, we aim to bridge the gap between innovation and application. Through clear and effective communication, we can drive the adoption of these technologies and bring about positive change in the agricultural sector.    

The Road Ahead    

Our LoRaWAN Soil, Weather, and Water Level Sensor project, in collaboration with the Ethiopian Agricultural Research Institute, is a 12-month endeavor that brings together experts from hydrology, soil science, software development, and data science. As we move forward, our team is dedicated to achieving these objectives and, in turn, contributing to a more sustainable and productive agriculture sector.    

The pilot research site at Melkasa Agricultural Research Center provides the ideal testing ground for our innovative solutions. Stay tuned for updates on our progress, exciting insights, and the impact of this project on agriculture and environmental monitoring. Together, we're transforming the way we understand and interact with the land beneath our feet. 



Thank you for joining us on this journey towards a greener, more sustainable future.  
