What We Offer

We use the latest technologies and best practices to collect, clean, and analyze data from a variety of sources, including internal data systems, public data sets, and social media. We also have a team of experienced data scientists and analysts who can help you interpret your data and make actionable insights. We understand that data is only as valuable as the insights it can generate. That's why we work closely with our clients to understand their specific needs and goals. We then tailor our data and analytics services to help them achieve those goals.

Data collection and developmental research

Data collection and developmental research

GPS is a leading provider of data collection, processing, and analysis services for rural development programs. We specialize in a wide range of issues including agricultural productivity, finance, sanitation, nutrition, education, energy, gender, etc…

Sensor-Based Data Collection & Insight

Sensor-Based Data Collection & Insight

We believe in the power of data to unlock smarter ways to manage our most vital resources. We use sensor technology to gather precise information about water resources, soil health, and weather patterns. This data then becomes the foundation for actionable insights that drive sustainable management and positive change.

Advisory Services

Advisory Services

Our team of experts offers advisory services based on data-driven insights. We provide tailored guidance to farmers, agribusinesses, and other stakeholders, helping them make well-informed decisions. Our advisory services cover everything from crop management to market trends.

Data as a Service (DaaS)

Data as a Service (DaaS)

We understand the value of data in today's digital age. Our Data as a Service (DaaS) offerings give you access to a wealth of data sources, analytics, and tools. Whether you need market insights, weather data, or custom datasets, we provide on-demand access to the information you require.

Sensor Installation and Maintenance Services

Sensor Installation and Maintenance Services

We offer expert installation and ongoing maintenance services to ensure your sensors based data collection systems remain reliable and accurate.